Spring / by Lisa Buckland

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It’s just over a year since I became a full time artist. With the hard lockdown in Melbourne these many months, I haven’t painted in my studio since March!

Have had to take a different approach; to work smaller. It’s been a time to explore landscape…iso landscapes. Plus produce some digital works, using my graphic design skills (and software). That’s been quite energizing as I didn’t realise I was missing GD so much. It really feeds into my right brain dominance. When I’m painting, I’m always telling my right, logical brain to shut up!

Landscapes in this style are totally new for me, I’ve done 5 so far, all about my time in fjordland New Zealand, the ultimate iso holiday destination. Using my photos as inspiration, it was such a lovely way to escape being locked away from the pandemic. We did have a break between lockdowns here, so I was able to pick up my large easel from the studio. Have just finished a large iso landscape, using all the marks I’ve learnt. The final 4 large works for my upcoming exhibition are next. Only three months until the opening. Time is ticking…
